Privacy Policy
Your personal data will be entered into a file of IE for the purpose of managing your participation in the MIM Games and informing you about its activities.
You consent that the information be sent to you via electronic media.
You may exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancelation and opposition in accordance with current legislation by requesting to do so, in writing, addressed to IE at Calle María de Molina, 13, 28006, Madrid, or by e-mail to
General conditions of use of the website
The conditions stated herein regulate the use of the Internet Website “” that Instituto de Empresa (hereinafter referred to as IE) places at the users disposal (the User).
This Website belongs to Instituto de Empresa, SL, tax identification No. B-82334319, with registered office in Madrid, at C/ María de Molina, 13, 28006, e-mail, registered at the Companies Register of Madrid, volume 14.198 general, book 0, sheet 105 of section 8 and page No. M-233662.
Use of the Website presupposes the full acceptance at all times by the User of all the General Conditions of Use currently in force, for which reason if the User does not agree with any of the conditions established herein, he/she should not use this Website. IE reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior warning, these General Conditions of Use of the Website or any other general or specific conditions, regulations for use, instructions or warnings that appear in this application. IE also reserves the right to suspend, interrupt or cease operating the Website at any moment.
1. Object
Through the Website, IE provides Users with access to different content, information and data (the “Contents”) placed at the disposal of Users by IE or third party service and content suppliers. IE reserves the right to modify at any moment the presentation (including the “look-and-feel”), configuration and location of the Website, as well as the Contents and conditions required to use them. In case there are restricted access areas, the access and use is subject to the conditions stated in section 3 of this document.
2. Conditions of access and use of the website
The User agrees to make licit and appropriate use of the Website and its Contents, in accordance with applicable legislation and the General Conditions of Use of the Website.
The User is authorized to access the Website and its Contents in accordance with the purposes of the Website and solely for personal and private use, being expressly prohibited its use for commercial purposes or for distribution, public communication, conversion or decompilation.
The User agrees to not alter the Website Contents, neither to use, copy or distribute separately any chart, icon or image available on the Website.
The User must abstain from: (i) reproducing or coping, distributing, permitting access to the public through any means of public communication, transforming or modifying the Contents, unless with the express authorisation of the owner of the corresponding rights or if said modification is legally permitted and (ii) suppressing, hiding or manipulating notes about intellectual or industrial property rights and other identification data of IE or of a third party included in the Website Contents, as well as technical protection devices or any other information mechanism that may be inserted in the Contents.
Those Users who wish to establish a link between their website and the IE Website must previously obtain authorisation from IE, presenting a request to the following e-mail address The third party links must be to the homepage of IE Website.
The User will be responsible for any damages or injuries incurred by IE, or by third parties, which may occur as a consequence of the non fulfillment of these obligations.
3. Restricted access area
In order to access and use the restricted access areas, Users should register beforehand by filling in the form (Registration Form) that appears in each case on the Website and obtain a personal password. IE reserves the right to accept or reject freely a User’s request to register. Data entered by Users in the Registration form must be exact, up to date and true at all times, and will be processed by IE as stipulated in the personal data protection policy. Registered Users will be responsible at all times for the integrity of their password, assuming responsibility for any damage that might result from wrongful use, or its transfer, revelation or loss.
4. Industrial and intellectual property rights
The User recognises and accepts that all industrial and intellectual property rights related to the Website, its source code, design, navigational layout, data bases and Contents and/or any other elements on the Website (brands, logos, commercial names, texts, images, graphics, designs, sounds, databases, software, flow charts, presentation, “look and feel”, audio and video) belong to IE and/or third parties. The General Conditions of Use of the IE Website do not give Users any other right to use, alter, exploit, reproduce, distribute or communicate the Website and/or its Contents publicly in any way different to those expressly stated here. Any other use or exploitation of any rights will be subject to prior, express authorisation specifically granted to that effect by IE, or a third party that owns the rights in question.
5. Employment of cookie technology
The User recognises and accepts that IE will be able to use cookies when a User enters its Website. The IE cookies are associated solely with an anonymous User and his/her computer and will not provide references that permit the deduction of the User’s personal data. Cookies will be used with the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication through an electronic communications network or for providing the services requested. The User will be able to configure his/her browser in order to notify the User of and reject the installation of cookies sent by IE, without preventing the User from accessing the Website Contents.
6. Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility
IE does not guarantee the availability or continuity of correct functioning of the Website or those other websites with which it has established a link, and in no case IE will be responsible for the Website Contents, or for its updatedness.
Access to the Website and the use of the Contents is the exclusive responsibility of the User. IE shall not be responsible for any consequence, damage or injury that may result from access or use of the Contents. IE shall not be responsible for any possible security errors that may occur nor for any possible damage to the User’s computer.
Furthermore IE assumes no responsibility in respect of connection to or the content of third party links contained on the Website, nor does it guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in said links which may cause alterations to the User’s computer (hardware and software), files or documents, including responsibility for any damages of any kind caused to the User for this reason.
7. Payments
Pay fast and safe with your PayPal account or your debit/credit card without sharing your financial information with IE Business School. PayPal uses the latest in data encryption and anti-fraud technology to help keep your information secure, reducing the risk of online fraud.
8. Applicable law and jurisdiction
The rendering of the Website service and the general conditions described herein are governed by Spanish law. In accordance with the law, the parties expressly renounce any other local or regional law that may correspond to them, agreeing to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid, Spain.